Hector Ramirez

Data Analyst

I want to help others to make the right decisions, data-driven decisions

About me

Hello! I'm Hector Ramírez Rendón, a passionate data analyst seeking exciting opportunities in the workforce. My interest in data and its power to tell compelling stories has led me to develop strong skills in data analysis, visualization, and interpretation. If you are looking for someone passionate about turning data into valuable insights, with a results-oriented mindset and a constant desire for learning, I look forward to contributing to your team and adding value to your organization!

My background

  • biochemistry engineering degree (Instituto Politecnico Nacional)
  • Data Analytics Certificate (by google)
  • big data technician (CapacitateparaElempleo)
  • Git hub cloud skill challenge (Microsoft)
  • Professional in coding (DEVF)

My motivations

Always learning something new.

My Career plans

Working remotely for a tec company who’s constantly looking to grow and expand, and gain experience as a Data analysis and other tools to solve problems.

Languages I speak

  • Spanish (Native or bilingual proficiency)
  • English (Professional)

My hard skills

  • Data Cleaning
  • Buisness intelligence
  • Analyzing data and presenting it
  • Managing databases set
  • Extracting data using API
  • Analytical thinkin
  • SASS Iterative process
  • Life cycle of data
Mi Foto

My Projects

My dashboards

My Certifications


¡Contáctame para colaboraciones o cualquier consulta!